The ward Halloween party was really fun. My mom came too to see her grandson all dressed up. Aaron was the cutest monkey there.
The funniest thing was that midway through the party, TWO BIG BANANAS walked in!!! You just know I had to get a picture.
Then we did trunk-or-treat. It was actually my first time experiencing one. For anyone that doesn't know, a trunk-or-treat is the same as trick-or-treating only instead of going house to house, you go through a parking lot from car to car, well, trunk to trunk. Thus - trunk-or-treat. Usually people go all out decorating their trunks. Thanks to Matt, we had a pretty cool trunk. His decorating saved us!! I had all this cool stuff to put up, but no time! They announced for everyone to start going out and trunk or treat and I had NOTHING ready. Luckily, by the time I got out there, Matt was was already out there and ready to go. Decorating problems aside, I really wish someone (::cough cough::...Matt....) would have told me that the trunk-or-treaters go around more than once! I ran out of candy within the first 5 minutes! Luckily my friend Sarah came to my rescue and gave me a whole big bag of candy to continue handing out. I was RELIEVED! PHEW! (thanks Sarah!). Yep - exciting night.
On Halloween Day we went to Matt's parent's house and spent the evening up there. I finally got to take some good pictures of Aaron in his monkey costume.
Here's is Aaron's very first trick-or-treating. (He obviously had no clue what was going on...but it was still cute)
And winding down after a long day....